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Deploying Spring Boot Applications With AWS ECS Fargate (Free Course)

  1. Setting Up AWS VPC For Fargate Deployment

  2. Publishing Docker Images On Amazon ECR

  3. Deploying Amazon RDS MySQL Database

  4. Creating Security Groups For ECS Deployment

  5. Creating Security Groups For ECS Deployment

  6. Creating Cluster For ECS Fargate Deployment

  7. Creating Task Definitions For ECS Deployment

  8. Deploying Service To The ECS Fargate

  9. Pointing Route 53 Domain To The Application Load Balancer

  10. Requesting SSL Certificate From AWS Certificate Manager

  11. Enabling HTTPS Traffic To AWS Application Load Balancer

Building microservices with spring boot article series

  1. Building Microservices With Spring Boot - Free Course With Practical Project

  2. Microservices - Service Registration and Discovery With Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

  3. Microservices - Setup API Gateway Using Spring Cloud Gateway

  4. Microservices - Authentication, and Authorization With Keycloak

  5. Microservices - Core Banking Service Implementation

  6. Microservices - User Service Implementation

  7. Microservices - Fund Transfer Service Implementation

  8. Microservices - Utility Payment Service Implementation

  9. Microservices - Communication With Spring Cloud OpenFeign

  10. Microservices - Exception Handling

  11. Microservices - Centralized Configurations With Spring Cloud Config

  1. How to Create a Spring Boot Project

  2. How to Use Feign Client in Spring Boot

  3. Consuming REST API Using Feign Client in Spring Boot

  4. Serve Image Stored in a Server Using Spring Boot

  5. Database Migration Using Flyway in Spring Boot

  6. Exception Handling Spring Boot REST API

  7. Spring Boot REST API Using JPA, Hibernate, MySQL Tutorial

  8. Guide to use Lombok In Spring Boot

  9. Spring Boot REST API Using Spring Data MongoDB Tutorial

  10. Spring Boot REST API CRUD With DynamoDB Tutorial

  11. Spring Boot JWT Authentication using Spring Security

  12. Spring Boot Pagination, Sorting and Filtering

  13. How To Change Default Port in Spring Boot

  14. How to Dockerize Spring Boot Application

  15. How To Handle Multiple Message Properties In Spring Boot

  16. Multiple Datasources With Spring Boot Data JPA

  17. How to Use Amazon SQS With Spring Boot

  18. Task Scheduling on Spring Boot Using @Scheduler

  19. How to Setup HashiCorp Vault With Spring Boot Application

  20. How To Use RabbitMQ With Spring Boot REST API

  21. How To Use ActiveMQ With Spring Boot REST API

AWS With Java Application Developments

  1. Deploy Spring Boot Application On AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  2. AWS Lambda Serverless CRUD API With Java

Fullstack Developments With Spring Boot

  1. Angular Datatable with Pagination Using ag-Grid and REST API

  2. Vue JS CRUD with Spring Boot REST API

  3. Angular 10 CRUD with Spring Boot REST API

DevOps Articles

  1. How to Dockerize Spring Boot Application

  2. How To Change Default Port in Spring Boot

  3. Docker Compose For Spring Boot with PostgreSQL

  4. Docker Compose For Spring Boot with MySQL

  5. Docker Compose For Spring Boot with MariaDB

  6. Docker Compose For Spring Boot with MongoDB

  7. How to Build AWS VPC Using Terraform – Step By Step